Tracks by Zach Magee | SYM

All Tracks by Zach Magee

All Tracks

Song Length
06.Died in your Arms Tonight [3:12] 3:12
08.She Wants IT [4:06] 4:06
10.RockStar [4:39] 4:39
04.Sexy Lady Remix [4:34] 4:34
07.Let the $ circualate [4:00] 4:00
11.Mindstate [3:52] 3:52
02.Say it Right [4:06] 4:06
09.Adore You [3:49] 3:49
01.Where all the Same [4:55] 4:55
03.You make me better [4:28] 4:28
05.Heaven Only Knows N/A