Aaron Jones | SYM
Washington DC, DC


Washington DC, DC

My name\'s Aaron, and I\'m originally from St. Louis. I\'ve always believed that music is the one universal language, and I love trying to speak to people in one way or another. I\'m an international recording artist, songwriter, and lyricist. My most successful project was a band called Annicka while I was in South Korea. Our album \"Among the Armistice\" was previously available on iTunes, but we recently discovered our digital distribution came under legal scrutiny and were forced to pull it, and many other albums from the digital marketplace. We are currently working on getting it redistributed through another vendor, and will continue to update you as we progress in this endeavor. I wrote all of the songs, lyrics, and melodies, and did most of the guitar work on the album. I did a stint with a band called \"GhostRadio\" while in Colorado Springs, but had to step down upon moving to the DC Metro area in 2011. I\'m passionate and excited about a potential future in music full-time, and wherever opportunities take me from here.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Tomorrow Behind (Rough) [4:21] 4:21
Next Best Thing (Rough) [3:20] 3:20
Sweet Agony (Rough) [3:36] 3:36
Maria (A Place Called Heaven) [4:55] 4:55
Hands Tied [3:57] 3:57


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