Tracks by Larissa Bogatyreva | SYM

All Tracks by Larissa Bogatyreva

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Song Length
Larissa Bogatyreva sings Russian folk songs. 1. Zarya-Zoryushka 2.... [13:07] 13:07
Song of songs by king Solomon. Lyrical hymns on biblical texts. 9... [18:45] 18:45
Larissa Bogatyreva sings the songs on lyrics and music by Vladimir... [26:04] 26:04
Requiem (Opus 77, 1993). In 12 movements. Music by Vladimir Sidorov.... [54:57] 54:57
CYNICS, musical phantasmagoria based on novel of Anatoliy Mariengoff.... [23:09] 23:09
Shumel kamysh. Arrangement of Russian folk song by Vladimir Sidorov.... N/A
Milenkiy ty moy (Arrangement of Russian folk song by Vladimir Sidorov);... N/A
Zarya-Zorushka /Russian folk song/. Arrangement by Vladimir Sidorov N/A
Mamashenka branitsa ( Russian folk song ). Arranged by Vladimir Sidorov N/A
Ti ukhodish ( music and lyrics by Vladimir Sidorov ) N/A
MOY LYUBIMEEY, MOY KNYAZ, MOY ZHENIKH / My lover, my prince, my fiance... [1:24] 1:24
NEZNAKOMKA / Stranger /; Music by Vladimir Sidorov, lyrics byAlexander... [3:50] 3:50
MY NE PARA / We are not a pair / ( music and lyrics by Vladimir Sidorov ) [2:54] 2:54
Posle dozhdichka v chetverg ( music and lyrics by Vladimir Sidorov) N/A
POLYUBILA HOCKEISTA / I fall in love with hockey-player / ( music and... N/A
YA SKROMNOY DEVUSHKOY BYLA ( I was a modest girl ) /Vladimir Sidorov -... N/A
Uchebnoe posobie barabanschiku (music and lyrics by Vladimir Sidorov.... N/A
PESNYA LUBVI ( Song of love ) / Vladimir Sidorov - Amaru/ [3:30] 3:30
LEYN-MLEYN /Vladimir Sidorov - Daneel Kharms/. Sings Larissa Bogatyreva... [4:02] 4:02