tish hland | SYM
dallas, TX


dallas, TX

[b][i][u][color="red"]I AM AND I FEEL WE ARE REAL BUT LIVE FAKE OPEN YOUR EYES AND ENJOY WHAT YOU HAVE NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE EVEN IF I DIE I LIVE THREW SOUND HEAR MY BEAT 100[/color] I am ButtahCuff I make music, shit I love this shit its like a fucking drug. I just want to roll it up and smoke it till its fucking gone. Yes i am twisted a little haha alot, but this music... can you feel it. Its in everything. I can hear it all the fucking time. I find myself making beats in the street at work everywhere. [b][color="red"] I hide myself in this corner The music Can you hear that beat so sweet the sound so clear it touches me so I touch it and it feels me and I love it[/color] MUSIC


Recent Tracks

Song Length
arab slow [2:07] 2:07
Am I really? [2:06] 2:06
deep drags ( new shit ) [2:02] 2:02
da yard [3:01] 3:01
captivation (new shit ) [1:10] 1:10


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