Joshua Wilkison | SYM
Chattanooga, TN


Chattanooga, TN

[color="darkred"][/color] Well for starters my name is Josh, and thanks for checking out my music. I have a wide varitey of artists that have inspired my music, but the three top ones would have to be; [i]Eddie Van Halen(Van Halen), Dimebag Darrell(Pantera), and Zak Wylde(Black Label Society, Ozzy Osborune). Other inspriations include: Fats Domino, Chris Cornell(Audioslave,Soundgarden), Shaun Morgan(Seether), and, Chris Adler(Lamb of God). I am a huge Van Halen freak, I even own two Eddie Van Halen signature guitars. I am a self taught musicisian. I picked up the drums at age 4, bass at 12, and then electric and acoustic guitar at 19. I have been in and out of bands my whole life, never really finding one that is right for me. I am very creative with my music, and not everyone always appereciates this. I am a huge perfectionist as well. Inspiration for writing of my music has come from the depression that I have been battling most of my life. I am finally a recovering alcoholic. Most of my music was written during alot of those bad times, before I was recovering. My dream is to one day have my music recognizied and apperciated for what it is. I would love to record and put my music out there for all. I am not big on talking about myslef, so any questions please feel free to ask. And again, thanks alot for checking out me and my music.


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Rage N/A
Solitary N/A
Prayer N/A
God Forsaken Liar N/A
Rise N/A


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