Gil Michael | SYM
San Jose, CA


San Jose, CA

Gil\'s interest in music started at a very early age as he would listen to his father play flamenco guitar, folk songs and popular songs of the time. Family sing alongs were encouraged. Being a child of very young parents and having teenage aunts and uncles Gil was exposed directly to the rock & roll of the time and quickly became a fan and absorbed it. Gil started buying records and listening carefully. As Gil grew up his music tastes became more diverse and he started listening to guitar players like Chet Atkins, Doc Watson, Pat Metheny, Leo Kottke in addition to the rock guitarists such as Hendrix, Page, Gilmour, Clapton Beck etc.... Songwriting influences started taking shape with Neil Young, Bruce Cockburn, Springsteen, Tom Waits, Stephen Stills, Ray Davies, Elvis Costello, Paul Westerberg and too many more to list. As a young teen Gil decided to pick up a guitar and is completely self taught discovering he could learn by ear. Gil prefers to adhere to a \\\\\\\"capture the moment\\\\\\\" recording method. Songs come fast and if they can be captured and written down Gil wastes no time and records them immediately. This is an \\\\\\\"organic\\\\\\\" approach and all the recordings you will hear in this showcase were recorded that way. With as little rehearsal as possible in an attempt to capture the feeling when fresh. Lyrics are rarely modified from the original writing. Recordings are always made quickly solo acoustic and performed live to microphone so what you hear is what you get. Occasionally Gil will overdub additional vocal tracks as needed but always using the original recording. On the song Fallin\\\\\\\' Fallin\\\\\\\' Gil collaborated with lyricist Sue Mrithujayan and co-wrote the song and composed all the music. The Charlie Betts band plays electric rhythm, bass and drums and Jane Hall sings harmony with Gil. Charlie Betts plays slide guitar on the song Disappear. Hope you enjoy listening to these acoustic demos. Gil has about 60 original songs to his credit so far.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Give It All Up N/A
Might Be Surprised N/A
Fallin\' Fallin\' (Gil & Sue Mrithujayan) N/A
ECHOes.....EChoes....echoes N/A
Desire & The Grand Design (lyrics: Jim Clarke/Music Gil) N/A


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