dave hulatt | SYM



[u] [color="darkred"]HEADROOM are a collection of musical visions that are constantly evolving slowly through time towards their completion, and their current seers and earthly transcribers are:[/color] [color="blue"]Mark Paine on Keyboards/vocals/keyboard programming Dave hulatt on guitar/vocals/cubase programming.[/u][/color] [color="red"] Dave (07971) 394658 Mark (07717) 102564[/color] We have both been in many bands but mainly concentrating on composition/performance of original material in the progressive/trance/rock genres. Mark Was once in the locally well known 'Electric Sardines from Outer Space' and has also been involved with many tribute acts such as the famous Bi Jovi,which although did not inspire musically, gave a firm grounding for life as a musician and how to earn a crust! Dave has played and written for many broadly prog rock bands including 'Her Majestys Secret Goblin' 'The Source' and 'The Dream Circuit'. He has also been a live sound enginner with his own p.a. company and studio sound engineer for his own commercial studio,as well as production for the tracks on this site. All music on our site except `After the machines' and `Brand New Soul`,written by dave on his own gear, have all been all been written on a Roland Fantom by Mark with adjustments on cubase/guitar work from dave, and all been produced and mixed in Daves Cellar Studio. Mark After playing in many original (some more famous than others ) including big tribute acts, I started on my own with a few tunes in a local wine bar/hotel where i lived in Nantwich. As i've pretty much been into keyboards synths/mono synths and computers, when i got the Fantom it was like honey through my fingers. So about 3 years ago Dave came to see me play a gig at the hotel and i said 'come and collaborate if not playin with anyone', so we did, and its just got better the more work we have put in. We get by like most other bands but maybe lookin to recruit talent in the future so keep your eyes on this site if you should ever be interested. So in essence we go out as a duo, and try to create new and exciting noises that everyone can groove to. We do alot of improvisation to keep both ourselves and our audiences on their toes,and hopefully we are being more than just entertainment,but aim to offer an EXPERIENCE. Dave and me are big Ozrics, Floyd, Gong and fans amongst many other luminaries such as John Martyn, Nick Harper, Jimi Hendrx, the Doors etc etc. . Although i lean more towards Hawkwind. Surrounding this, our philosophy to be good and true to youself, others and the world you live on,(oh and party hard). Thanks to all the peeps on here who've voted for us already, i honestly didn't expect such a enthusiastic response as we all sometimes do about our own music. So good luck everybody and thx for dropping in. we'll see you at your place ;-) TA TA for now [/link]headroom-music.co.uk


Recent Tracks

Song Length
2Tracing N/A
3 Brand New Soul N/A
4Septico N/A
Sun Festing N/A
Roz N/A


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