Railroad Tumble | SYM



Railroad Tumble Started in 2007 in gothenburg, My name is Leo, I involved one mailman and one clothing-designer in a project that was going to be representing the country and bluegrass side of my musicmaking. I had come to a point in the composing process where new influences are needed to keep the glow.. By involving the Lead singer Siri, I got more than I needed to feel that the project was worth while... She puts the soul in the music Literary. To get even more input Jonken added the violin of a somewhat Irish character, blending nicely. The project now goes on outside the studio with more additions, like Dobro and Upright bass... Anyway Railroad Tumble is about stories from the railroad track. You know how you see all these little houses and meadows while staring out the window on a train rushing through the country... well that has always gotten me to think of all the real life stories that took place in all these places trough time.. And also I feel a fascination for the time when the railroad was first built in the states, imagine what fokes must have been thinking when they first saw and heard the train coming... theres also the story of the ghosttrain running full speed at night, the devil being the one shuffling col into the steamengine. We hope to be able to tell you some stories and play our music live for you next time.. Catch you later down the trail...


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Sweet sorrow N/A
Leaving home N/A
Railroad N/A
You been around N/A


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