Ben Elliot | SYM



Ben Elliot is an innovative new artist from York in the UK. His music draws together influences from rock, pop, film scores and much more. His strongly atmospheric signature track ..Old Tales For The Fresh Mind.. demonstrates this by mixing samples of thick swirling orchestral textures with a big rock sound on a swing groove. He creates a juxtaposition of styles and instruments to create his own unique brand of popular music. With a background in rock and metal coupled with a love of film music he self-produces solid anthems worthy of todays mainstream. His songs are a step ahead of the rules and confinements that hinder modern pop music and his trademarks of complex structure s, harmonies, time signitures chord progressions and instrumentation are tribute to this. Needless to say, much effort goes into the writing and production of a song and this is positively evident in his recordings. He has the ability to provide enough originality and innovation to make each song alternatively masterful, while still maintaining a dark credibility most popular musicians strive for. Every song is hand-sculpted and pushes boundaries with every aspect of his song-writing and producing. Please visit for all news and info.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Take What You Can, Give What You Can N/A
Old Tales For The Fresh Mind N/A
The Promise N/A
Give Yourself A Name N/A
And You Are? N/A


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