Robyn Shalit | SYM
Boerne, WA


Boerne, WA

[u][color="red"][b]JERSEY GIRL [b]SINGER/SONG WRITER[/b][/b][/color][/u] FRESH STUFF [i]B R E W I N G [/i][b]24-7-365[/b] I think SYM is a WONDERFUL place! I am enjoying meeting new artists, listening to their music and sharing mine with them. I'm very grateful! I've been writing music since I learned my ABC's- no not really, but it sure feels like it! I write all different styles of music, including Pop, Country, Country Rock, Rock, Dance, Christian, Jingles and more! I don't really have a favorite as of yet- Just live to write because I was born with the passion! I'm just about finished writing my newest album so... if I'm not around, it's simply because I'm in my studio. I was asked to sing on TBN for next month I recently sold 4,000 copies of my newest song 'Lead The Lost To Jesus'~ One of my songs recently landed a Motion Picture that is expected to come out in six months~ Another song of mine is being reviewed for a different Motion Picture~ I will soon be performing LIVE for audiances ranging from 100 to 6,000 people~ I love [u][b]colaborating with other artists[/b][/u]. I squeeze new songs on my plate every now and then because it breaks me away from my intense stress of being involved in my projects. It's like a breath of fresh air for me. I just wrote a hook for a song for someone I met here on SYM and I am getting ready to do the same for another talented artist here as well. If you need lyrics, let me know- I'd love to hear the tracks. As far as my [u][b]Presidential Candidate Video [/b][/u]is concerned, I seriously hope that positive change is on the horizon. I don't believe we should change our Constitution, I'd rather see us with hold what our Forefathers intended it to be. It's already been changed with too many amendments in my opinion. The bottom line is that I feel like our voices are not being heard and I don't think it's fair. By the time you go through the protocal, you just about lose your mind and suffer from memory loss- by then, you can't even remember what your ideas were regarding your concerns. My question is how do they decide which issues to address first and what is the motivation? Are the lobbiests in control? We the people of America can take back control provided we come together. There are so many people with great ideas in our country and I'd like to find a way to expose new possible solutions to the problems we are faced with. Our voices should be heard and ideas should be considered! [color="black"]With that in mind, I developed a website for the purpose. If you are interested in sharing your concerns, ideas and or possible solutions regarding America's problems, then visit [/color][color="red"][b][color="red"][/color] [/b][/color]or [color="red"][/color]. Leave your comments and we will display them soon! You are welcome to become part of the FTUSC team as well! Hope to hear from you! [b][u][u][color="red"]~~~~ CHECK OUT MY [b]VERY TALENTED [/b]FRIENDS ~~~~[/u][/u][/b] THEY CAN REALLY JAM ON THOSE GUITARS!!!!!!!!! ******************** DAN CLEPPER ******************** ******************* DANIEL TODD **********************[/color] I really do appreciate you taking the time to listen, to comment and for giving me 5's- That's soooooo Cool!!!! FROM THE HEART!!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZANDERAH Thank you VERY MUCH!!!! [b][color="red"]Just wrote slammin hook for J Gutta Man Feat 9/17/08 Just wrote slammin hook for L.A.D. aka Dr. Graboww 9/20/08[/color][/b][u] [color="darkblue"][b][u]I'm really FLOORED by the TALENT here! Check out these STAR CATS!!![/u][/b][/color] J GUTTA MAN.......INCREDIBLE!!! L.A.D. aka Dr. Graboww........ INCREDIBLE!!! COACH......... INCREDIBLE!!! ZZZZZZZZZZ STAY TUNED!!! NEW SONGS WILL BE UPLOADED SOON ZZZZZZZZZZ I Finally Have A [b]MY SPACE CHECK ME OUT! MYSPACE.COM/ZANDERAH1


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United We Pray N/A
* A It Hurts To Be Lonely N/A
Help Me Make It Through The Night N/A


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