Nicolas DeMeo | SYM
Newport, KY


Newport, KY

About Us Staff: Nicolas DeMeo, CEO Jennifer Fleming, Kentucky Office District Manager So, who are we? We are Seacoast Records, a major record label.To the right, Nicolas DeMeo. President and C.E.O., and founder of the newest and most innovative up and coming major record label. Nicolas is committed to the artists and the purity of the music, really! Unlike many independent and even major record labels, here at Seacoast Records the artists come first. Now that you know who we are, we will get to the questions. • What type music does Seacoast Records support and like on the record label? The good kind, of course! Seacoast Records adheres to a strict policy of only taking on artists and music which will produce maximum enjoyment and entertainment. Why would we do anything else? Afterall, it is our mission to bring great music to the world, and to let the world see there are artists whose contribution to the music industry goes unnoticed. Well, we're out to change all that! • How do we go about attaining and signing our artists you ask? We utilize various avenues to explore new and exciting talent. We stay up way too late searching for the cream-of-the-crop in music and then? Well, then we use a mind-control device (patent pending) to coax them into signing a contract! Alright, not really. We do it the same as anyone else would, we listen. • Do we put on concerts? You bet we do! We are constantly seeking outlets through the media and other sources to expose our artists music to the world, and to share the beautiful and healing sound that is music with ears and hearts everywhere. • Do we have a tour bus? Not yet, but it's coming! • Isn't the music industry already saturated with so many artists there's no way any one artist can really be heard and become famous and known around the world? Are you serious? • How do I submit my music to Seacoast Records for consideration as an artist, writer, for publishing or simply to have Seacoast Records critique my music and tell me not to quit my day job? This is an easy one. Simply go to the contact page and submit the form as an inquiry telling us what you wish from us. Please do not include links to your Myspace, website etc. Believe it or not, we're a little busy most of the time and although we would love to visit every link of every musician and artists in the world, well you get the idea right! • What we will do if you submit a request for permission to submit: We will contact you "via e-mail" and we will ask you to send us your information, links, and/or your music on some form of media. If we love what we hear, we will of course do our best to assist you in whatever way we can. If we hate it? We will certainly skirt around being frank and tell you that perhaps vocal lessons, or a little more practice could possibly enhance the quality of your sound! Ok, if we really hate it we honestly would not simply humor you. Hey, we're going for a laugh here! • If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to submit the form on the contact page and we will do our best responding to you as quickly as possible. • How do I get one of the incredible CD's from the Seacoast Records family of artists? Another easy one, just click for the artists page and check out some fabulous music! Thank you for visiting Seacoast Records. Nicolas Demeo


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Vogue Cover by Kristy Ansen N/A
Take Out The Trash by Johnnie Branham N/A
By Now by Laura Dodd [3:36] 3:36
Good Time Gone Wrong by Laura Dodd N/A
What A Way He Loves Us by Johnnie Branham N/A


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